I am a Supplier. What do I need to do before I can start using NipeX?

Category: General Inquires


You need to register on NipeX platform using the steps below:

1.Log on to the NipeX website: www.nipex-ng.com
2.Click on ‘Services’ tab and select ‘NJQS Registration’
3.Click ‘No’ if not registered
4.Complete the form and then click ‘Submit’
5.Ensure you have all the mandatory documents to enable you proceed, tick all boxes then click ‘Yes’
6.Select payment method: either – Offline or Online or Payment already made (with Teller available)
7.For ‘off-line’ payment, an email will be received from NipeX to make payment
8.After payment has been made, click on ‘Continue’ in the body of mail to proceed
9.Please enter all payment details:

¨ Transaction Number is ‘Deposit Slip No. or NipeX payment receipt no. or Remita RRR

¨ Depositor’s name is the Company’s name

¨ Click ‘Submit’ and forward teller/remita receipt to fs@nipex.com.ng with the subject: “Request for payment validation”
10.NipeX verifies payment with bank
11.An email would be received from NipeX confirming payment. Click on ‘Click here’ to continue the registration process
12.Provide additional details about the company and then click on ‘Next’
13.Upload the mandatory documents. Click ‘Save’
14.NipeX quality-checks documents for conformity/completeness
15.An email confirming successful document upload would be received. In the mail sent, there is the option to re-upload documents by clicking on ’Click here’
16.If documents are compliant, notification emails with log in details to access the full registration Questionnaire will be received later
17.Complete all sections of the questionnaire
18.On the declaration page, click on ‘Confirm’ button
19.Click on ‘Submit’ tab to forward completed questionnaire to NipeX
20.Your questionnaire will be quality checked and if these are no errors, the questionnaire will be approved.
21.Upon questionnaire approval, you will be scheduled for desktop audit after which you will be scheduled for onsite audit upon a successful desktop audit.

For more information, please contact the NipeX:

Email: customersupport@nipex.com.ng
Phone: +234 1 4484360 Ext 0 / 08032850332

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