Document Transfer (5)

Category: Document Transfer


You may experience this challenge as a result of the document size (too large) and/or your internet bandwidth connection. To resolve the file size issue, you have to split the file into smaller sizes. Please refer to Technical and Software requirement under General Enquiries of this FAQ for NipeX recommendation on internet infrastructure. Limit document size to between 3-4MB

Category: Document Transfer

Ensure you have good internet connectivity.

Ensure the size of file(s) does not exceed 5MB.

Category: Document Transfer


You may experience this challenge if Jre (Java Runtime Environment) is not installed on your system or you using a non java enabled browser like, google chrome, Safari, Microsoft edge etc. Download and install the latest version of java from and/or use a java-enabled browser like internet explorer or Mozilla Firefox.

Category: Document Transfer


If you cannot upload documents in the NipeX system, check the size of your document. You can split the file into smaller sizes to make uploads faster.

Category: Document Transfer


Try downloading the document from another system , or attempt downloading it using a different internet connection. If you are unable to open the file, please contact NipeX Customer Support.
Phone: +234 1 4484360 / 08032850332