Bid Invitation (17)

Category: Bid Invitation


If the message on the screen is ” No document corresponds to search criteria”, you need to redefine your search criteria or contact NipeX Operations Department directly on 08132054220 or 08169587773 for support.
However if no message is displayed, the system is still querying the database for your information.The Supplier list should be displayed eventually.

Category: Bid Invitation


If the message on the screen is ” No document corresponds to search criteria”, you need to redefine your search criteria or contact NipeX Operations Department directly on 08132054220 or 08169587773 for support.
However if no message is displayed, the system is still querying the database for your information.The Supplier list should be displayed eventually.

Category: Bid Invitation

Nether the suppliers or the buyer will not be able to see the tender until the date the tender is
going to be open and is only the buyer and with counter part can see the tenders.
Please note that it is always better to submit your tender before the closing date, with this you
can always go back to edit what you have submitted and re-submit again.

Category: Bid Invitation

Yes. However, you can only receive your original NipeX receipt from NipeX office in person
or via courier

Category: Bid Invitation


It is not advisable to upload a zipped folder because most zipped folders get corrupted during the zipping process and cannot be accessed by the tender evaluators (NUIMS, NCDMB & Operators). We advise that you attach documents without zipping.

Category: Bid Invitation

No. To be pre-qualified, you need to be registered in Nigeria. For more information, please
contact NipeX.
Phone: +234 1 4484360 Ext 0 / 08032850332

Category: Bid Invitation

For information about the current status of your pre-qualification, do login with your username and password and you will see the display of your status. However, where you are unable to login, please contact NipeX.

Phone: +234 1 4484360 Ext 0 / 08032850332

Category: Bid Invitation


Note that the technical ITT is not sent to Suppliers immediately the advert closes. At the advert close date, the pre-qualified Suppliers list is pulled from NJQS database, attached to the ITT template and sent to NUIMS & NCDMB for approval. Thereafter, the ITT documents are published to Suppliers. However, if your NJQS subscription has expired, you are not qualified to receive bids.

Category: Bid Invitation


Note that the technical ITT is not sent to Suppliers immediately the advert closes. At the advert close date, the pre-qualified Suppliers list is pulled from NJQS database, attached to the ITT template and sent to NUIMS & NCDMB for approval. Thereafter, the ITT documents are published to Suppliers. However, if your NJQS subscription has expired, you are not qualified to receive bids.

Category: Bid Invitation


You do not require a username and password to access tender adverts (public opportunities).
Both current and archived opportunities are available on the public domain of NipeX portal.
Visit and click on ‘Public Opportunities tab’

Category: Bid Invitation


No. For a bid submission to be valid, the bid response MUST be uploaded and submitted via the NipeX system.

Category: Bid Invitation

No, the pre-qualification audit will not stop technical site visit for some tenders. NipeX pre-qualification audit is distinct/different from technical site visit

Category: Bid Invitation

This may occur if your browser is not set to accept cookies and please note that the portal is
compatible with Google Chrome and Mozilla
Also, please ensure that you are using the correct user ID and password – exactly as supplied
by NipeX.
If you still have difficulties with accessing the questionnaire after carrying out the following
steps, please contact NipeX:

Phone: +234 1 4484360 Ext 0 / 08032850332

Category: Bid Invitation

These are the regulatory documents required for initial registration:
■ Certificate of Incorporation
■ Allotment of Shares – C02
■ List of Directors – C07
■ Directorate of Petroleum Resources (DPR) Certificate
■ Current Tax Clearance Certificate and VAT Certificate
■ Reference letter from your bank (original copy) – Dated within the last 6months
■ PENCOM Certificate

Category: Bid Invitation

The NipeX system supports Suppliers registered as Limited Liability companies and they are
classified as Standard Suppliers

Category: Bid Invitation

This scenario occurs when a suppliers submits his bid without uploading documents in
attachment section of Notes and Attachments. To resolve this error supplier should upload
documents in this section.

Category: Bid Invitation

Yes, only Suppliers that are in the database and LIVE as at the tender advert will be invited to submit bids